This lovely bride and groom had to head off straight after their Brydon Room Wedding Ceremony, so we decided to meet a little early for our wedding portraits.
And what a lovely, bright, sunny Spring day it was. We shot a few portraits in the Chelsea streets and the went to the park for a bit of colour by way of these lovely pink tulips.
From there it was only a short walk to Chelsea Register Office, for Emma and Andrew’s civil wedding ceremony in the Brydon Room. The Brydon Room is my favourite room at Chelsea Register Office, as the sunny golden yellow walls brighten up even the glummest day. Not that there was any need for that on this lovely spring afternoon.
The ceremony was full of joy and laughter, after which it was time for the traditional confetti throw on the Chelsea Register Office steps.
The couple had lined up a classic red London Routemaster bus to take them to their wedding reception, and so we got a couple of quick shots with the bus as well. All in all it was a lovely afternoon, and I wish them both all the very best for a happy life together.