Pimlico Room Wedding at The Old Marylebone Town Hall

This post features the wedding of Tanya and Toby, who were looking for just 1.5 hours of coverage for their intimate Pimlico Room Wedding at The Marylebone Old Town Hall. This is exactly the sort of thing I specialiase in. The wedding party included a total of 17 guests, the perfect number for the lovely Pimlico Room. The Pimlico Room is one of my most popular ceremony rooms at The Old Marylebone Town Hall as it allows the most natural light into the room, making for lovely and sunny images when you have a gorgeous, bright day like today.

The timing of the ceremony meant that the bride and groom needed to head off to their reception venue straight after we finished the formal group shots. So they decided to meet before the ceremony for their bride and groom portraits, which is great thing to do if you’re planning on seeing each other before the ceremony in any case.

Before every ceremony, each couple needs to go through the pre-ceremony interview. This can be done together or separately – private time with the registrars and not something I am usually allowed to photograph. On particular this occasion, there was a little gap between the interview and the start of the ceremony. This allowed me to take advantage of the gorgeous wood paneling and window light of the Paddington Room, where the interview took place, for a few more portraits.

And here’s a selection of what I photographed on the day.

Bride and Groom Arrive at The Old Marylebone Town Hall for their Pimlico Room Wedding

Bride and Groom Portraits at The Old Marylebone Town Hall by YBPHOTOGRAPHIC

Bride and Groom Portraits at The Old Marylebone Town Hall by YBPHOTOGRAPHIC

Guests wait for the start of the wedding ceremony in the Pimlico Room

Beautifully natural light portraits of bride and groom in the Marylebone Room at the Old Marylebone Town Hall

The bride and groom make their entrance for their Pimlico Room Wedding

Wedding ceremony in the Pimlico Room at The Old Marylebone Town Hall

Wedding ceremony photos in the Pimlico Room

Wedding photos from the Pimlico Room

Wedding ceremony photos from the Pimlico Room at The Old Marylebone Town Hall

Signing the register at the end of the ceremony in the Pimlico Room

The bride and groom pose with their witnesses in the Pimlico Room, Old Marylebone Town Hall

Wedding photos from the Pimlico Room

Bride and Groom celebrate the end of their wedding ceremony in the Pimlico Room by YBPHOTOGRAPHIC
Wedding Portraits at The Old Marylebone Town Hall by YBPHOTOGRAPHIC

Confetti on the steps of the Old Marylebone Town Hall

Beautifully arranged family group photograph at the Old Marylebone Town Hall by YBPHOTOGRAPHIC

Formal group photographs at Westminster Register Office by YBPHOTOGRAPHIC