Professional Children’s Photography in North London

It’s been a little while since I posted on the blog – I’ve been so busy shooting, I haven’t had time to blog. But get ready, this is the first of many new articles of great shoots. First up, is a professional children’s photography session with one of my favourite clients.

I photographed Dean and Jamila’s wedding back in 2007. I have no idea where the time has gone but Dean and Jamila haven’t changed a bit!  Except for the not so small and not so new anymore addition to their family, little Aaliyah. We’ve been trying to arrange for a session ever since Aaliyah was born, but something always came up. So FINALLY I got the chance to travel up to North London for our professional children’s photography session.

We started off in the family home, in Aaliyah’s room, as that had the best light in the house and a nice and neutral background too. But personally, I always love it when we head outside. We were super lucky, having caught a gorgeous sunny day and so off we went to feed and watch the ducks and to make Daisy Chains.

Aaliyah is a thinker and I love the crinkled, slightly disapproving look that comes over her face when she’s concentrating. I bet she’ll still be pulling that face when she’s a grown up. We had plenty of laughs and giggles too, so it was a lovely morning all round. Here’s are some of my favourites from our session. Professional Children's PhotographyChildren's Photography by YBPHOTOGRAPHICProfessional Children's Photography by Yvonne BlumeNatural children's phography on location in LondonNatural children's phography on location in LondonOutdoor natural family portrait photography in LondonProfessional Children's PhotographyOutdoor natural family portrait photography in LondonOutdoor family portrait photography in LondonNatural children's phography on location in LondonProfessional Children's PhotographyOutdoor family portrait photography in LondonOutdoor family portrait photography in London